
Maintenance Execution Management: Tasks (Level 3)

  • Ensure that maintenance procedures and regulations are followed
    • Who monitors the execution of the work?
    • What happens in the event of deviations from the target state and who should then be informed?
    • How is monitoring planned and executed?
    • Are there any interfaces (for example to authorities / TÜV etc.)?


  • Document the status and results of the work performed
    • How is documentation done? (tools)
    • When is the status documented?
    • Who documents the status?
    • Where is the documentation done?
    • What are the tasks to be done?
    • What happens to the results?
    • How are they provided?
    • Must root causes for differences between planned schedule and actual time be documented?


  • Inform maintenance dispatching and/or detailed maintenance scheduling
    • Which maintenance strategies should be pursued?
    • What should the communication with a maintenance management System look like?
    • Which information needs to be transfered?
    • Which cross-system workflows are planned?


  • Confirm that the work was performed according to the accepted quality standards (Bestätigung, dass die durchgeführten Wartungsarbeiten den Qualitätsstandards entsprachen)'''
    • Who is the recipient of a confirmation?
    • Which workflow should be triggered if the standards were not met?
    • On which key figures the acceptance should be mirrored?
    • How is the quality of work monitored?
    • Who is responsible for that?
    • How is the documentation done?


  • Ensure that the correct resources are used in maintenance (Sicherstellen, dass die richtigen Wartungsressourcen verwendet werden
    • Should system-side security mechanisms be present?
    • How is it ensured, that adequate resources are scheduled, provisioned and used?


  • Verify that equipment and personnel accreditations are valid for the assigned tasks
    • Is there a systematic training system and traceability of the qualifications of each employee (who is allowed to do what?)?
    • How is the training content recorded and how are the results fixed?
    • How is it ensured, that employees only take on tasks for which they have been trained and for which they can provide proof of this ability (forklift driver's license, switching authority in high-voltage systems, etc.)?
    • How is this documented and monitored?


  • Assist with product changeover needs that involve equipment changes
    • Which tasks must be carried out by the maintenance department for product changeovers?
    • Are checklists available?
    • How are the maintenance staff informed?
    • How are these measures managed and who defines them?
    • How are these measures monitored? And how is the feedback done?