WG 3.16 Electrical Heating Systems
The "Electrical Heating Systems" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:
- Concepts for explosion proof electrical trace heating systems
- Placing on the market of electrical trace heating systems according to ATEX directive
- Evaluation of different trace heating technologies
- Control and monitoring of trace heating circuits
- Statutory and normative requirements
- Provision of criteria for the selection of different trace heating technologies
- Compilation of a compendium on electrical trace heating (NE 86) that is otherwise not available
- Guidelines for the implementation of indistinct regulations
- Experience exchange on different technical solutions of the member companies
- Description of user interests as an input for standardisation committees
Recommendations and worksheets
Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group: