WG 3.3 Weighing and Filling
The "Weighing and Filling" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:
- Definition of user requirements for the development of weighing and filling technology
- Standardisation of equipment and methods of testing
- Monitoring, interpretation and the consulting during implementation of national and international standards, laws and regulations
- Sharing of expericences/opinions about measuring methods and measuring instruments
- Communication with testing organisations and government agencies
- Communication with manufacturers of weighing and filling technology
- Prevention of additional costs over the whole lifecycle
- Maintenance/Increase of technical competence in weighing and filling technology
- Avoidance of additional costs through incorrect interpretation of national and international standards, laws and regulations
- Support for plant operators to comply with their duties
Recommendations and worksheets
Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group: