WG 1.7 Production-related Building Automation
The "Production-related Building Automation" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:
- Comparison of the phase models Process (NA 35) and Building Technology (HOAI, VOB)
- Treatment and experience of interface issues in the engineering process and hardware
- Improvement of expectation and stakeholder management while the execution of projects
- Creation of best practices for qualification, validation and data integrity
- Engineering aspects when using the VDI 3814
- Improved understanding between process and building automation
- Improving engineering quality of building automation in process engineering projects
- Exchange of experience and thereby return into best practices or recommendations
Recommendations and worksheets
Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group: