WG 3.9 Type Testing
The "Type Testing" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:
- Design of device tests
- Results of the homologation
- Creating and updating test procedures
- Coordination of device tests
- Data collection of operational performance – "Prior use"
- Coordination of operational performance – "Prior use"
- Irregularities of devices in operational use
- Identification of potential for improvement in field and control devices
- Manufacturer-independent information on field and control devices
- Selection guide for devices in operational use, resulting in
- fewer device failures
- increased plant availability
- increased plant safety
Recommendations and worksheets
Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group: