WG 3.6 Analyser Systems
The "Analyser Systems" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:
- Presentation and discussion of new analytical instruments/principles of operation
- Transfer of laboratory methods to the process
- Determining the requirements of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry on analyser systems
- Definition of development objectives for manufacturers:
- operation, diagnostics, status messages
- communication
- safety aspects (e.g. explosion protection concepts, process control safety equipment, electromagnetic compatibility)
- Planning tools and assembly techniques
- Maintenance strategies, Total Cost of Ownership
- Tracking of technical codes and deriving recommendations for the practical implementation through the users (NAMUR Recommendations)
- Improvement of production, environmental protection, occupational safety and plant safety by means of PAT
- Influencing regulations and standards to assure user interests (avoid additional costs/safety risks)
- Practical analyser products taking user requirements into account
Recommendations and worksheets
Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group: