
WG 4.18 Automation Security


The "Automation Security" working group addresses issues including the following topics in the context of its experience exchange, its concept developments, formulation of requirements to be met by automation solutions and its involvement in national and international standardisation:

  • Risk management
  • Asset management
  • Safety & Security
  • Organisational measures Roles & Responsibilities
  • Interaction automation/IT
  • Systems engineering/architecture
  • Vertical and horizontal integration
  • Communication
  • Reporting of security incidents and security gaps
  • Definition of the user requirements for Automation security solutions
  • Influencing of guidelines and standards with regard to the requirements and framework conditions in the process industry
  • Monitoring of the standards situation
  • Contact to other associations and standardisation committees


  • Avoidance of costs resulting from impractical requirements from standards through active cooperation in all relevant standardisation institutions, particularly in the DKE
  • Avoidance of costs resulting from impractical requirements from governmental institutions like the Bundesamt für Sicherheit und Informationstechnik (BSI) through active cooperation
  • Collection of best practices and exchange of experience to avoid security incidents

Recommendations and worksheets

Please refer to the following list for recommendations (NE) and worksheets (NA) managed by the working group:

No. ▾TitleEditionResponsibleSubject areaInfoComments
0135NE 135Remote Access – Requirements for remote access security
Fernzugriff (Remote Access) Anforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit von Fernzugriffen
WG 4.18SecurityAbstract
0153NE 153Automation Security 2020 - Design, Implementation and Operation of Industrial Automation Systems
Automation Security 2020 - Design, Implementierung und Betrieb industrieller Automatisierungssysteme
WG 4.18SecurityAbstract
0163NA 163IT Security Risk Assessment for Safety-Related PCT Equipment
IT-Risikobeurteilung von sicherheitsrelevanten PLT-Einrichtungen
WG 4.18SecurityAbstract
0169NA 169Automation Security Management in the Process Industry
Automation Security Management in der Prozessindustrie
WG 4.18SecurityAbstract
0201NE 201Identity and Access Management on Automation Devices
Identity and Access Management on Automation Devices
WG 4.18SecurityAbstract


Erwin Kruschitz
anapur AG
Tel. +49 6233/88039312

More information

AK-PRAXIS 4.18 Architecture (2017-09-11 – German only)

AK-PRAXIS 4.18 Haertung (2017-09-11 – German only)

AK-PRAXIS 4.18 Pachmanagement (2017-09-11 – German only)

AK-PRAXIS 4.18 NA 163 Checklist (2024-11-13)

WG-PRAXIS 4.18 Attack detection pursuant to the German IT Security Act 2.0 (2023-06-14)

AK-PRAXIS 4.18 Ethernet – APL – Security Advisory (2025-01-20 – German only)
