Inventory Data Collection: Tasks (Level 3)
- Gathering and reporting data on inventory operations and materials manipulated
- Should the MES gather and report stock data and data of warehouse activities?
- Should the MES store tank and warehouse stock in specific cayclic timespans?
- Should the MES have the ability to generate stock list ordered by maturity?
- Should the MES store data of cooling chains for each batch or handling unit?
- Which handling units should be inventoried (permanent, random, ...)?
- Should every movement of handling units inside the warehouse be stored by the MES?
- Should partial handling units be consumed with higher priority?
- Maintaining information for product tracking
- Should an MES hold product tracking information? ''
- How much data must be managed? ''
- Which granularity is required for inventory and produced quantity tracing? (material level, batch level, container level)
- Should an external system be able to obtain write access?
- Who should have access to traceability data?
- How are entities (containers, storage space, ...) marked and how are they recorded?
- Which products may be stored in which areas or storage spaces?
- Which processing steps must be managed? (raw materials, intra materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods, etc.)
- In which steps of the business processes should traceability be possible?
- Is there Rework?
- Maintaining information for quality tracking
- Should an MES manage/maintain information for quality tracking?
- With which container was a sample taken?
- Should the cold chain be traceable?
- How should the status of the containers be recorded? (e.g. blocked because contaminated)
- Should the MES document the expiration dates?
- Should shelf life and retest data be included?
- Maintaining information for maintenance tracking
- Should an MES maintain information to track maintenance activities?
- For example, are filter changes to be planned/documented?
- Do you want to store data about performed calibrations/verifications?
- Should cyclical checks be initiated and recorded? (e.g. checklist)
- Are operating hours counters to be evaluated?