
Detailed Inventory Scheduling: Tasks (Level 3)

  • Creating and maintaining a detailed inventory schedule
    • Shall the MES provide the capability to create and maintain a detailed plan for inventory management?
    • Will a rough-cut planning be conducted up-front?
    • How will the results of the rough-cut planning be transferred into the detailed planning?
    • Which master data for inventory planning shall be managed(storage capacity, replacement period)?
    • Which inventory strategy shall be applied?


  • Comparing actual movements to planned movements
    • For which movement types ( e.g. different means of transportation)  shall the comparison be conducted?
    • What and for what purpose shall be compared?
    • Which movement types (to-bin transfer, from-bin transfer, bin-to-bin transfer) shall be managed?
    • How are the movements defined (fixed positions/routes/ means of transportation)?
    • How are status  notifications captured?
    • How are movements documented?


  • Determining the committed capacity of each resource
    • Shall the MES be able to determine the committed capacity of each resource?


  • Creating inventory work orders in accordance with inventory requests
    • What are the tasks of the MES in internal logistic?
    • Shall the MES be able to create transportation orders and/or transportation demands?


  • Determining future assignment of inventory work orders to storage zones and storage units
    • Shall the MES be able to determine future assignment of inventory work orders to storage zones and storage units?


  • Determining start time and completion time of inventory work orders
    • Shall the MES be able to determine start time and completion time of inventory work orders?


  • Determining lot size of each inventory transfer order
    • Shall the MES be able to determine lot size of each inventory transfer order?