Production Dispatching: Tasks (Level 3)
- Issuing production work orders
- Should production work orders be transferred from an ERP-system?
- Should there be a possibility to issue production work orders manually?
- Should there be a possibility to modify production work order afterwards (e.g. amount)?
- Assigning local resources
- Which resources do exist (personnel, raw material, equipment)?
- Which assignments are possible or restricted?
- Do certain assignments or assignment changes require certain measures (new set-up of equipment, cleaning, …)?
- How is the resource assignment implemented in the system (data model, interfaces, DBMS)?
- Which event triggers the resource assignement (e.g. by a production order release)?
- Is the status of the resource known?
- Which status of resources are feasible?
- Releasing local resources
- Should a MES control the release of local resources for starting production orders?
- Handling conditions
- Which exceptions should a MES be able to handle?
- Maintaining status of work orders
- Should the MES visualize the current status of work orders?
- Which types of status will be required?
- Should certain defined status trigger actions?
- Ensuring that process constraints and ordering are met in production
- Which production requirements (or constraints) shall be monitored?
- Should there be a notification in case of deviation from requirements (violation of constraints)?
- Informing detailed production scheduling when unanticipated events result in the inability to meet the schedule requirements
- Should a MES give feedback to the detailed production scheduling in case of unanticipated events that result in the inability to meet the schedule?
- Which details and which events should be considered for this?
- Receiving information from quality operations management that indicates unanticipated conditions that may relate to scheduled events
- Should the MES consider quality results for the detailed production scheduling in case of unanticipated conditions?
- Which situations should be considered?
- Receiving information from production resource management about unanticipated future resource availability that may relate to scheduled events
- Should the MES process feedback about unanticipated future production resource availability?