Detailed Production Scheduling: Tasks (Level 3)
- Creating and maintaining a detailed production schedule
- Which shift plans should be considered in the production schedule?
- Are there additional boundary conditions (e.g. seasonal variations) that need to be considered in the production schedule?
- How is the production planning organized
- Which level of detail of the production plan are maintained? Is there a difference between draft planning and detailed planning?
- Comparing actual to planned production
- Should the actual production progress be visualized (graphically or table) compared to the planned production?
- Should there be a notification in case of pre-defined deviations?
- Should automatically a new production planning take place in case of defined deviations? This could also happen cyclically or manually.
- Determine the committed capacity of each resource for use by the production resources management functions
- Are there dependencies of the defined capacities on personnel/raw materials/material properties?