Production Execution Management: Tasks
(Level 3)
- Directing the performance of work
- Should this also be done for subordinate levels (Level 2)?
- Ensuring that correct resources are used
- How should the resources be checked?
- Where is the allocation of correct resources stored?
- Should aids such as barcodes or RFID be used?
- What should happen if the correct resources have not been used?
- Confirming quality standards
- Which quality standards must be considered?
- How should the standards be checked?
- When and by whom should the standards be reviewed?
- Ensuring validation of resources
- Are the resources available?
- When, how and by whom should the resources be validated?
- What are the restrictions (calibration relevance for tanks, ...)?
- Assigning resources
- What resources (personnel, material, equipment) exist?
- Which assignments are possible or forbidden?
- Are certain required measures associated with certain assignments or the change of assignment (retrofitting, cleaning, etc.)?
- How is the resource definition realized system-technically? (Data model, interfaces, DBMS, etc.)
- Which event causes the allocation of resources (for example, due to production start)?
- Should the status of the resource be known?
- Which status per resource is possible?
- Which resource changes must be recorded promptly and posted in the ERP?
- Informing other activities when unanticipated events result in the inability to meet the work requirements
- Which areas should be informed in case of unexpected events?
- What events could that be?
- Receiving information from production resource management about unanticipated future resource availability
- Should the system be able to process information about unexpected resource failures?
- Should alternative resources be assigned automatically?
- Providing production information and events on production execution management
- What information and events should be provided?
- How should this information be made available? Graphically, via interfaces?
- At what times?