
NE088 has been withdrawn

from 2022-09-20

The NAMUR Recommendation NE088 Fortbildungsempfehlung über prozessleittechnische Seminare für Mitarbeiter in der Chemie von 2004 has been withdrawn.

Withdrawn documents may be requested at the NAMUR Office if necessary (preconditions for the access have to be fulfilled).

Abstract to NA088 Recommendation for continued training for employees working within production and maintenance in the process industry

This NAMUR worksheet contains reports on experience and working documents that NAMUR has developed from the user group for supplementary use by its members. It provides assistance for continued training in process control technology in the production and maintenance of process-related production systems in the process industry. These recommendations apply generally to skilled employees who are trained or recognized under German law. Essentially, this includes:

  • Chemical specialists
  • PCT specialists
  • Metalworking specialists

This document differs from edition 2004-04-30 as follows:

  • NE changed to NA
  • Title changed
  • “Electronics technician for automation technology”, “electronics technician for industrial engineering”, and “mechatronics technician” were incorporated into the text.
  • Separate tables were created for employees with PCT qualifications and employees without PCT qualifications.
  • Training recommendation and contents of the subject areas were revised.
  • Editorial revisions

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