
NE 168 is newly published

from 2018-11-22

The NAMUR Recommendation NE 168 has been released and may now be obtained from the NAMUR Office.

Abstract NE 168 "Requirements for a field level Ethernet communication system"
(Edition: 2018-11-22)

This NE describes the requirements to an Ethernet communication system for the field level of the process industry. It covers all aspects of an Ethernet based communication system (physical layer, protocol …) as well as all components and devices that are part of such a system (DCS, SIS, field devices, etc.). The focus is on classic field devices of the process industry. This includes analogue (pressure, temperature, level, flow, control valve set points, etc.) as well as binary signals (contacts, limit switches, solenoids, etc.).

Experiences with existing fieldbus systems as well as process industry specific requirements were taken as basis for such a system. The NE requests manufactures to develop an easy to use Ethernet communication system for the process industry. Its goal is to support a smooth introduction by avoiding the troubles end users faced with existing fieldbus systems. Fulfilling these minimum requirements will be a key to enlarge the end-users acceptance.

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