
European Associations of automation technology end-users in the process industry see cybersecurity and 5G-connectivity as basis for digitalization

vom 2018-12-03

NEWEC1 Meeting: Press Release 03 December 2018

An influential group of organisations representing European users of instrument users and industrial process automation technology met again in September 2018 and agreed on priorities for cooperation and action.

Board members and Directors of European user associations of instrument users and automation technology users in process industries - NAMUR, EI, WIB and EXERA, welcomed CLUI AS, the CLub Utilizzatori Italiani Automazione e Strumentazione, to their annual meeting, this year held in Cologne on 18th September 2018. EEMUA was invited and  attended the meeting and contributed to the discussions.

During wide ranging discussions the Associations reaffirmed their intention to cooperate closely in this challenging, fast moving and complex field, discussed common concerns and how best to address them. To further underline the importance of collaboration the existing cooperation agreement between NAMUR, EI, WIB and EXERA was extended to include CLUI AS as a new member.

All together NEWEC represent over 250 companies using instrumentation and process control systems that are vital for the safe, efficient and sustainable operation of complex process industries that provide vital materials and power for the modern world.

Varied and open discussions covered many key topics. Highlights included:

Cybersecurity of industrial systems: NEWEC discussed the heightened dangers posed by some recent intrusions into industrial systems, including those affecting the integrity of plant safety systems.  Close cooperation between the organizations on the realisation of guidelines and practices continues.

Connectivity in the industrial environment: the increased use of industrial wireless technology, particularly with the exploitation of the 5G allocation by industry is a significant enabler for many aspects of efficient plant operation and Industrie 4.0, but also raises many questions regarding what should be regarded as good practice.  There are huge potential benefits for both manufacturers and users in establishing common solutions and practices.

Big data: though many companies have been doing extensive data analysis for decades, the improvements in data analysis tools are now driving a raft of changes ranging from predictive maintenance through to the business model itself. A number of examples and potential areas of application were discussed. Sound cybersecurity and high-speed connectivity are seen as fundamental prerequisites for Big Data and further digitalization efforts in the process and power industries.

Type testing: the organisations were keen to exchange ideas on new approaches to type testing. Having regard to the wide range of requirements of their member companies and the differing approaches and capabilities of testing laboratories, NEWEC recognised the advantages of developing a common view on what aspects of a device are the core to be tested, and what are the common principles and conditions for testing.

NEWEC members agreed to work together to ensure that the interests of the user were expressed to mutual benefit through the national standards bodies where they have an involvement.

For further details, contact:

For links to the NEWEC associations see:


1NEWEC designates the name of the cooperation agreement signed by NAMUR, EI, WIB and EXERA following the accession of CLUI AS in October 2018.

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