Main objectives
- Minimizing the costs for member companies arising from process control technology
- Enhancing the availability of process control technology
- Increasing plant safety.
- Enabling the exchange of experience among its members and with manufacturers and other associations.
Main topics
- Interpretation of guidelines, regulations and directives
- Preparation of check lists as working aids
- Setting of minimum requirements for equipment and systems
- Identification of equipment and system development needs
- Definition of best practice solutions
- NAMUR member companies openly share information related to automation and process control technology. Experience is pooled for mutual benefit.
- NAMUR maintains a constructive dialogue with other associations.
- NAMUR supports national and international standardisation through cooperation in the field of automation if this is to the advantage of member companies.
- The results of NAMUR–s work are published in
NAMUR recommendations (NE) and NAMUR worksheets (NA) are documents prepared by NAMUR for its members and other interested companies and bodies.
- NE usually define best practice procedures or requirements for devices, systems and services in the process industry and are therefore important documents also for manufacturing companies.
- NA usually are designed as an aid for member companies in the form of checklists and instructions for practical use.