"NAMUR Activities in China" – third successful conference held in Shanghai
from 2011-11-30"NAMUR Activities in China" – third successful conference held in Shanghai
The third NAMUR conference in China was held in Shanghai on the 23rd and 24th November 2011. Attendance figures once again exceeded the previous year, with more than 120 participants partaking in the event. In addition to visitors from NAMUR member companies, representatives of the press, standardisation organisations and universities were also in attendance. Invited guests from operator companies who are not yet members of NAMUR also attended the event for the first time. This represents an initial step in transforming the activities of NAMUR in China from an initiative created by subsidiaries of European NAMUR members into a platform for all operators in this economic region.
There are currently seven NAMUR working groups in China, all of which presented their work during the conference. In common with previous years, the opportunity to discuss issues and exchange experience following the presentations and during breaks was seized upon with enormous enthusiasm. Dr. Wilhelm Otten, who has been President of the NAMUR Board of Management for two weeks, emphasised in his speech that NAMUR in China must develop into an independent organisation and not be considered a mere offshoot of NAMUR in Germany. Colleagues in China should identify and address the issues they consider important to generate added value for the process industry in the region. An important element in this respect is the exchange of experience with NAMUR in Europe which benefits both sides.
The organisers managed to engage HIMA, which already sponsored the NAMUR Annual General Meeting in Germany in 2010, as a partner and sponsor of the event. As a manufacturer of safety control systems and provider of a comprehensive range of services in the area of functional safety, HIMA is an ideal partner in this respect, as the safety of plants and processes is regarded as an issue of maximum priority among NAMUR member companies. This was also demonstrated in the enormous interest shown by participants in the presentations and lectures which HIMA contributed to the event programme.
NAMUR will also hold a conference again in China in 2012. The sponsor will be ABB, an automation engineering provider offering a broad range of products and services.
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Contact partners:
Dai Xiaolong
Tel.: +86 25 58569108
NAMUR Office
c/o Bayer Technology Services
Tel.: +49 214 30 71034
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