
NE 135 has been revised

from 2023-07-12

The NAMUR Recommendation NE 135 has been revised and may now be obtained from the NAMUR Office.

Abstract NE 135 ‘Remote Access – Requirements for remote access security’
(Edition: 2023-07-10)

For quite some time, remote access has been an important tool to obtain immediate and efficient access to systems operated as part of automation technology in the process industry. At the same time remote access may jeopardise the operation of industrial plants, e.g., by introducing malware, and thus cause economic and functional damage through failure. The increasing connection of components due to developments such as Industry 4.0 can enable additional attacks on further systems in the event of remote access. Therefore, effective mechanisms need to be put in place to make remote access secure.

Due to these developments manufacturers and integrators of remote access solutions react with different strategies and develop corresponding concepts whose potentials and risks must, ultimately, be evaluated by the user.

The purpose of the NAMUR Recommendation 135 is to offer the basis for secure planning, implementation and operation of remote access solutions as part of automation technology from an operator's viewpoint. Therefore, the relevant requirements to be met by manufacturers, system integrators and operators of remote access solutions over the entire life cycle are presented.

Previous issue: NA135 dated 24.05.2011

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