
NAMUR Recommendation NE168 Requirements for an Ethernet communication system for the field level from AK 2.6 and the APL Task Force has been revised.

from 2024-05-28

Summary of NE 168 “Requirements for an Ethernet communication system for the field level”
(Edition: 2024-05-27)

This NE describes the requirements for an Ethernet-based communication system for the field level of the process industry. The expectations of such a system are less effort in engineering, simplified access to device data, increased data quality and simplified maintenance. Ethernet communication to the field device is seen as a precondition for future technologies and concepts, such as the digital twin. The NE refers to all aspects, components and devices that are part of such a system. The focus is on classic field devices in the process industry, which are used for process control and are also used in functional safety systems. Experience with fieldbus systems and the functionalities required in the future have been taken into account. Necessary properties of the transmission physics and the network are described in this NE, as well as the requirements for the necessary transmission protocols. These are especially important in order to implement the required functionality for all devices and systems in the process industry. Finally, the requirements for device management and the integration of devices over the life cycle are specified.

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